Spicy Tips for Kinky Self Love
You’ve finally hit it. The wall. That wall where you have masturbated so much that it no longer does anything for you. Either you can’t seem to orgasm or, it takes so long that you’ve rolled your eyes at yourself. It’s not the stickiest situation to be in, but things could be a lot better using our guide to spicy tips for kinky self-love.
But what exactly is… kinky? Some define kink as being outside of cultural norms, but what’s “normal” varies from person to person. A different way to think about kink is to consider it an exploration outside of your own norm.
So then, what is self-love? The definition can be applied quite literally in giving yourself the love and attention you need. This TLC can be romantic or sexual, or any expression of affection you would give to a significant other, but applied to yourself. Kinky self-love is exploring new and different ways to burst with love all by yourself.
There’s something to be said for the comfort of your own bed, but have you considered moving the clothes off the chair (you know the one) for a new place to tickle your pickle? Perhaps the floor? Maybe change rooms completely by taking advantage of the sturdiness of your countertops. If you really want some kinky self-love, leave. Go somewhere public and discreetly flick your bean while out of view from others. Try placing an app controlled vibrator while you shop for groceries and you will never look at produce the same.
But let’s say you do want to stay home, understandably. You can transform your environment to create your ideal mood for kinky self-love. You can go romantic, placing lots of pillows, candles, and flowers around. Turn on your preferred music and dim the lights. If you aren’t exactly the romantic type, try overloading your senses with a light machine that blinks or roves, turning up the metal, and blasting some heat. Recreate the vibes from your last sold-out concert and set your vibe to the highest setting to really rock out with your cock out.
Introducing new sensations is a great way to spice up your kinky self-love. Many people are familiar with the idea of using ice, but aren’t sure how. Ice can be used to desensitize erogenous areas so that orgasms can be that much more intense, however, ice can be messy. Instead, glass toys are perfect because they can be cooled or heated to play with your senses. Turn it up a notch by using one cool toy and one heated toy simultaneously. The Gläs Yoni Egg is perfect as a cooled insertable, but for a hot experience, try the 8” Ribbed G-Spot Glass Dildo.
For a more versatile experience, the 3" Horse Tail Glass Butt Plug is a great choice for beginners. It has a smooth surface, and its tail can be used for tickling. Nay, whipping! Additionally, it makes for a great visual.
One of the ways you can drive yourself over the edge is by stopping just before you get to where you want to go. Edging is doing exactly that. Finding the perfect pressure and rhythm, keep going until you build up to that moment just before the waves of orgasm start to rush in. You can try changing pace, location, speed, or even just stop completely. This is a strong test for your willpower, but if you can do it over and over again, when you finally do allow yourself to cum, it can be delicious. Who wouldn’t want to practice kinky self love in a way that completely upgrades the way you sploosh?
There are so many erogenous zones in the human body, it is baffling that we only tend to focus on four or five. Go on the hunt for all of them. Everyone has the first 27, the remaining four vary from body to body, so there’s plenty to explore on your own. First, start off with some lube. Buzzing lubes are great with a buzzing sensation. It’s safe for the clitoris, but the tingle is designed for anyone to enjoy. Try it on your more sensitive zones like your nipples, balls, or anus.
[For more subtly known zones, Organic water-based lube adds a nice slip when arousing yourself. Allow your fingers to glide over your body in a kinky self-love exploration. You will be surprised at how different kinds of touching in unsuspected areas can bring you pleasure.]
A universal erogenous zone can be found during anal play. After having throughly cleaned your anus and all insertables, use a silicon-based lubricant. To get the party started a little early, try this Douche Set of 3 Interchangeable Nozzles. It’s beginner-friendly and allows for P-spot play or even something a little more intense.
There’s nothing stopping your exploration of kinky self-love as long as you let your imagination flow and your fantasies run wild.